What if every patriot read

What if every patriot read—

  • The Communist Manifesto, by “jew” Karl Marx

….the father of Bolshevik Marxist communism.

  • The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,

….by Jewish Zionist ‘elites.” Their global game plan That has played out in every detail.


What if every patriot read—

  • Jewish UN Agenda 21 and 22.
  • And Jew Klaus Schwab, founder and CEO of the Davos WEF who recently backed UN Agenda 21
    calling for the extermination of 80% of earth’s population beginning with folks of White European descent, the entire Aryan race.


What if every patriot read—

  • The International Jew, by Nazi supporter Henry Ford who exposed phony slaughterhouse “Jews” decades ago.
  • And Winston Churchill before the Jewish Central Bank system threatened him and the lives of his family.
  • And Charles Lindbergh’s 2 year-old son kidnapped and then murdered to keep Lindbergh, the most likely next president out of the race.
  • And General Patton, a presidential likelihood, exposing the Jewish mass media hoax of WWI and WWII,
    and exposing the Jewish Bolshevik Red Terror marching westward, again, destroying Europe, especially Germany who exiled the Rothschild’s Jewish Central Banking system!


The “Great Awakening” is complete

The “Great Purge” is underway

Elemental “Exposure” kills


Truth conquers all things


💥 Meanwhile, THE #1 Enemy Is?!

💥DID PUBLISHING houses, media, television and hollywood rewrite history after the world wars were over. Are they still doing that?

Did they fabricate everything they taught us about the Bolshevik Revolutions, WW-I WW-II, and the formation of the EU and Euro?
If so, is it the most elaborate 5-Part Movie Series ever produced?


Pt. 1- Bolshevik Revolutions

Pt. 2- European WW-I

Pt. 3- European WW-II

Pt. 4.1- Dissolve Europe’s Borders into the EU

Pt. 4.2- Dissolve Europe’s currencies into the Euro

Pt. 5- Overthrow America and install a New World Order


This movie of epic proportions has run non-stop generation after generation. Every American man, woman and child has watched its dramatic, shocking episodes our entire lives.

We have watched countless versions of the same unthinkable atrocities in blockbuster Movies across the nation year after year.
Watched and listened to countless TV Shows, the same pictures, images and narratives.
The same trigger words names and phrases endlessly repeated and driven into our minds year after year, decade after decade.

They teach it as required ‘history’ indoctrinating our children beginning in elementary school, into high school and into university.
We read about it in every newspaper and talk about in the workplace.

Indeed, why would we question something when so many people say the same identical thing, and have since we can remember?
That is, if we do ‘remember’ because it has become automatic, like breathing or walking.

We hear Trigger Words and one-line Trigger Phrases everywhere, including here, without context. And it is “normal,” or is it?
It is a bigger part of our life than going to church. This is our other religion, a cult religion of massive proportion, deceit, deception and indoctrination never seen before.

Who Wrote and Produced this Movie? 💥

What is the Movie’s Name? 💥

💥A Perfect Hatred awaits them worldwide

💥They know that and they’re horrified


by CW Nelson

RogueOps Intel