Satanic Jew War to kill us all

Satanic Jew War to kill us all

Beginning with the early 1900s Bolshevik Jew Revolutions, they are now in the culmination of their WAR to kill us all. The Jew Death Vaxx targeting White people, massive advertising in commercial for race mixing and homosexual acceptance.

They want to kill us all, and have killed millions of us through interbreeding since Cain, the first mixed breed and then all his mixed progeny lusting after our fair, White Adamic Aryan Women and polluting our blood.

When Christ returns, Satan could say,
“All these people are mine, where are yours.”

Once our blood is mixed, the children are no longer Aryan and the men or women can never produce Aryan children again. It is the satanic practice of breeding us out of existence with softheaded indoctrinated people doing it for them.

It took 150 year of slaughtering all Western Civilization nations and importing Multiple Millions and millions of savage animals into our culture, to fulfill their satanic goal dating back to Satan/Cain, Adam & Eve.



Satanic Jew War to kill us all


Install their Satanic Jew World Order from our Presidential White House and have been since Abraham Lincoln who destroyed the sovereign Confederate nation, cut the niggers loose to mix blood with the white women, pillage their resources, and kill our men.

Same thing as the Northern War of Aggression (so called Civil War) going full swing with desegregation in the 60s destroying everything, and look what has happened unabated since, and only accelerating.

Then traitor Woodrow Wilson unlawful established the Jew Federal Reserve by signing off on an unratified Bill before congress, that stripped our U.S. Treasury. We financed the Bolshevik Revolutions, WW-I, WW-II, Korea, Vietnam, dissolved Europe into the European Union (renewal of Soviet Union). And now America their final westward march finishing their slaughter of Western Civilization.

Jew FDR, ad nauseam ad infinitum. Kike Eisenhower killed two-million German POWs AFTER the war was over. Through deliberate starvation, exposure to the elements with no shelter, no sanitary facilities, and disease.

Unconscionably depraved, Satanic Jews.

They can’t go further west. That is where they started, Russia, and turned it into the USSR. Vladimir Putin restored their proper name, expelled the Jew money cabals, closed the gates and is exterminating them in Jew Ukraine, once massive Khazar spanning across the top and between the Black and Caspian Sea, the massive Jewish mercenary nation of Khazaria!

Satanic Jew War to kill us all they will stop for nothing!


CW Nelson

RogueOps Intel


See Ya—



The “Great Awakening” is complete

The “Great Purge” is underway

Elemental “Exposure” kills


Via Veritas Vita—

The way, the truth, the life- John 14:6

Motto of Glasgow University, Scotland


Vincit Omnia Veritas—

Truth conquers all things-



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